Thursday, August 03, 2006

Insecurity About New National ID RFID Chips

so this might be a bit more serious than the usual post here for a while, but straight from the Blackhat Conference going on right now, just read this from WIRED. Here's the WIRED article.
Basicly, this guy takes 2 weeks to figure out how to nab, clone and possibly even rewrite this data thats supposed to be how we're going to control the in and out of traffic coming in and out of this country. Grunwald [the security tech] says of this, "The whole passport design is totally brain damaged" ... and it seems if this is true, I couldn't agree more.
And as Gus Hosein, a visiting fellow in information systems at the London School of Economics and Political Science and senior fellow at Privacy International, asked of the chip " this what happens when you do policy laundering and you get a bunch of bureaucrats making decisions about technologies they don't understand?"
This doesn't make me feel more secure about our nations's borders or the security of our private information. He's supposed to be showing this at the Blackhat Security Conference today. I guess we'll see what the end of this is. For now check it out, this may be just another way people get info on us, get into this country and in general just makes our day to day more insecure.